Creating the Future—One experiment at a time!

You will have to experiment and find things out for yourself and you will not be sure of what you are doing. That's all right, you are feeling your way into the thing.
Emily Carr

Over the past 16 years, the HSD community has engaged in a grand experiment. The goal was to discover what would happen when people came together in inquiry to:

  • Teach and learn in every interaction
  • Attend to the whole, part, and greater whole
  • Give and get value for value
  • Search for the true and the useful
  • Engage in joyful practice
  • Share your HSD story

Over the years, we have distilled the HSD theory and practice into some core principles and practices: Adaptive Action, Pattern Logic (CDE Model), and Inquiry.

We have engaged with thousands of people and certified more than 800 as HSD Professional Associates. The HSD website shares our intellectual property, and each of our client systems has developed its own human systems dynamics, to be most fit for its unique environment and wicked issues.

Members of our community have:

  • Developed creative leaders among youth in Delhi
  • Rolled out apps to support decision making in complex environments around the world
  • Taught children to read and helped others cope with the trauma in their lives in North Texas
  • Supported massive culture change in international NGOs
  • Convened networks of environmental activists and funders in the Lower Mekong
  • Used Shakespeare to explore leadership in VUCA environments in Helsinki
  • Supported innovations to improve quality and patient experience in health care settings in Vancouver, BC
  • Brought arts and diversity into strategy and practice for Midwestern municipalities to improve equity and social justice in Minneapolis
  • Integrated thoughts and actions from board members to kindergarten students to transform educational institutions Northern California
  • Energized action to shift patterns of poverty in post-industrialized communities of Northern England
  • Implemented distance education for medical students’ clinical training in South Africa

. . . . and many more creative approaches to the world’s most wicked challenges. You could add your own to this list, and it will continue to expand as more people use HSD in more ways to address a greater number of more wicked problems.

This has been a noble experiment, and we have learned many things, created many things, and shifted many wicked patterns. Today, our attention turns to the future of this community, as the experiment moves into its next phase of Adaptive Action. Since January of 2019, members of the HSD community have shared an energizing inquiry. We’ve called the project HSD 2051, and it focused on the question:

What is the impact of human systems dynamics on the world in 2051?

This six-month journey has engaged more than 60 people in multiple kinds of dialogues about a wide range of questions. The process, based on the Strategic Foresight approach of School of International Futures, has led to insights and highlights for each of us. On September 19, in our Quarterly Virtual Mini-Conference, we will share our HSD 2051 Adaptive Action cycle with you:

  • WHAT path did we follow to explore the future we cannot predict or control?
  • SO WHAT did we learn, individually and collectively?
  • NOW WHAT are next wise actions for each of us and for all?

Please join us for this 90-minute webinar. You will see how the patterns of HSD will continue to emerge across times, contexts, questions, and points of view.

WHAT: Quarterly Virtual Mini Conference on HSD 2051
WHEN: September 19, 2019, 11:00 - 12:30 CT (16:00 - 17:30 UTC)
WHERE: Our webinars are held on If you would like to join us, Register Here.

Please feel free to forward this invitation along to others who are, or would like to be, a part of the HSD conversation. 

See you soon!  G