Expand Your Consciousness with HSD Professional Certification

Two HSD Professional Certification programs are kicking off in August! Why should YOU join? What will YOU learn? What answers do YOU seek? This week, Glenda Eoyang’s blog post helps YOU explore some of those questions.

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.

Albert Einstein

Two HSD Professional Certification programs are kicking off in August! You should join us if you:

  • Are ready to evolve yourself and your practice to the next level.
  • Find your clients’ challenges reaching beyond your current practice.
  • Want to join a community of people who are also growing through inquiry and engagement.
  • Know there must be something more simple, practical, coherent, and powerful than what you learned in grad school.
  • Feel frightened or discouraged about the future of people and the planet.

In five days of intensive learning and four months of practice and support, you will:

  • See the power and possibility in complex, self-organizing systems.
  • Learn tools, models, and methods to see, understand, and shift change as it emerges.
  • Understand the complex dynamics of human systems that challenge traditional models of change and leadership.
  • Integrate your professional experiences and expertise with new approaches to strategic, systemic success.
  • Create your own path to an emerging and unknowable future.

The need is urgent for an innovative approach to complex, systemic change. Changemakers around the world are looking for answers:

  • How can we overcome resistance?
  • Why don’t leaders “walk the talk”?
  • What is the best place to intervene (individual, team, department, organization, community)?
  • Who has the power to make the change happen?
  • When will we find our next normal?

Unfortunately, these questions keep us stuck because they all have the same answer, “It depends.”

In HSD we ask different questions. Our questions focus on what is true and useful in the “here and now” of the systems we serve. We find answers in the unique challenges and opportunities of the place in the moment. We ask:

  • WHAT are the patterns that shape the experience of people in the system right now?
  • SO WHAT capacity do I/we have to shift those patterns?
  • NOW WHAT will we do to make a difference and how will we learn from how the system responds to our action?

We use a variety of tools to see patterns clearly, seek to understand, and find “next wise actions” to shape patterns of the future. No two situations are the same, and every HSD Associate is different. Each of us draws from shared theory, models, and methods to inform practice wherever we are. We work on our own personal and professional development. We coach individuals, teams, and enterprises. We lead, teach, consult, and serve in every sector and in many places around the world.

If you find yourself stuck in unanswerable questions of complex change, if you want to discover simplicity in complexity, of you want to join a community that shares your passion for possibility, plan to attend one of the HSD Professional Certification programs:

  • Online, taught by Royce Holladay and Barrie McClune, beginning August 15, and completing on December 19.
  • In-person at Roffey Park in the UK, taught by Glenda Eoyang and Griff Griffiths, beginning on August 29, and completing on December 18.

Visit the Curious Conversations with Miss Handie podcast to hear stories from HSD Associates around the world, https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/patterns-and-possibilities-curious-conversations-with/id1604425712.

Find out more and register here.

Be in touch with your questions at info@hsdinstitute.org.