HSD Community Commons

September 21, 2023

In the September HSD Community Commons, we were welcomed by Robin Kilroy, who works with Carla Blanquier and John Murphy to plan and host the HSD Community Commons meetings. Robin introduced Miriam Bayes, who has partnered with Royce Holladay to create an HSD-based in-depth application of HSD in Coaching. The resulting program has been approved by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) for 40 CCE units. 

After briefly introducing an overview of the program, Miriam and Royce introduced the group to one of the Models/Methods they have modified from the HSD website. They have adapted the Decision Map to be used by Coaches to understand and support change in their clients. In breakout rooms, the attendees talked about the adapted model in trios and brought their insights and questions back to the larger group. This portion of the meeting ended with a large-group Power of Questions session, introducing it as a tool for coaches to use with their clients and with other coaches to explore some of their most wicked challenges. 

Carla closed the meeting, thanking Mirima and Royce for their presentation and all others for their contributions to an engaging session.