Preparing for the Next Normal—Whatever It Will Be!

June 1, 2023

Most people agree that there is no “getting back to normal.” Still, many of us hope for a time in the future when change slows down, the world stabilizes, and we can at last redefine what it is to be in a “new normal.” The problem is that complex dynamics are often unstable. They shift from one semi-stable state to the next, passing through various levels of turbulence in between.  There is no golden future where change stops and normal returns. Instead, we live in the turbulent space between more-or-less-stable states. In any moment, we must remember the past, cope with the present, and prepare for whatever is next. We are always prepared for the “next normal.”

In this Live Virtual Workshop, we will explore concepts and tools to help you deepen your preparedness for whatever is next for you, your team, organization, or community