Research and Adaptive Action: Engage in Adaptive Action as a Research Approach

October 3, 2019 You tell yourself that research or evaluation is not your job. “Research is complicated, and hard, and…well, scientific!” “Research is what other people do.” Research seems like a rigorous and demanding process that you don’t have time for. And yet, you need to find new ways to address your challenges, new ways to serve your clients and customers, new ways to support and train your employees.

Often leaders want to move more deeply into understanding and creating more innovative and responsive approaches and responses to the challenges they face. But they find that traditional approaches to research and development are too expensive and time-consuming to be practical in today’s world. HSD offers a path to support innovation and creativity that is woven into day-to-day options for action across a system.

In this Live Virtual Workshop, Glenda Eoyang, offers new perspectives for applying Adaptive Action in both formal and informal research. She makes meaning of the research process: from establishing a question, to testing a hypothesis, to putting results into action.