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Those of us who make our livings as teachers don’t like to admit it, but that is how most complex skills are developed—in real-world practice.
Build Adaptive Capacity
In HSD, we think about resilience as “capacity to adapt and maintain system functioning in the face of the uncertainty and turbulence of complex change.” In this blog post, Royce explores three important lessons we’ve learned in talking with people about their need for and experiences with resilience in recent times.
Lead in Complexity
I spent part of last week at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Vancouver, BC. I enjoyed seeing old friends and making new ones. It was particularly interesting to dive—however briefly—into the deep waters of the academy. There was much to learn.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Mathematicians call it the Baker Transformation.
Biologists call it respiration.
Physical therapists call it exercise.
Artists call it inspiration.
Teachers call it learning.
Learners call it cramming.
Musicians call it melody.
Bakers call it kneading.
Build Adaptive Capacity
“How do I help other people use the tools and perspectives of human systems dynamics (HSD) if they’ve never heard of it, or if they do not know much about Pattern Logic or complex change?“
A few years ago I was doing some informal coaching as a colleague was going through significant life transitions. She wanted help thinking about possibilities and directions as she stepped into new areas of work.