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Build Adaptive Capacity
I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it. —Pablo Picasso                                                                                                    
Simple Rules are agreements that inform behavior, so a diverse group can function as one. They set conditions that shape the emergent patterns as a group self-organizes. The rules may emerge from covert or overt agreements among the players, and they inform decisions and actions to create coherence across the whole.
May 3, 2018 Culture is complex, but culture change calls for simple action. You respond to questions, challenges, innovations, and ideas in ways that shape new patterns of thought and action. How can you learn this dance that lets you shift in the moment? How can you use cycles of inquiry and action to keep moving forward? HSD opens opportunities for culture change. Learn Adaptive Action to shape the cultural patterns you want.
In today’s blog, Royce shares a brief memoir she recently wrote, along with a poem that was inspired as she reflected on that story this week, on Memorial Day here in the USA.
Build Adaptive Capacity
“Nothing is Intractable.” That’s the tagline on the HSD website. It’s the footer in our stationery. It’s on the first slide of every PowerPoint deck we create. We believe it’s true. And we continue to get questions about how that’s possible when life is so complex.  
Teaching & Learning
June 5, 2014 Glenda Eoyang explores four questions, relative to training ROI: What? is the process of learning in a complex system? What? is the value of learning in a complex system? So what? is the return on investment? Now what? can you do to realize ROI?
GovernmentCollaborate to Create Community
Conflict is described in many ways. I offer here my own description of conflict in three parts: 1) Conflict is where past and future meet, 2) Conflict is learning, 3) Conflict is a complex dynamic. With each part, I offer a link to the elements of HSD thought that best connect with my description, and I provide simple questions to help readers apply the theory in practical ways.