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Teaching & LearningBuild Adaptive Capacity
You live and work in turbulent times. You face wide-ranging change in many areas. Increasing contact with diverse individuals brings new perspectives. Decisions grow more difficult. Underlying dynamics create massive interdependencies. Almost every challenge emerges from multiple possible causes. In all parts of your life, you recognize a swirl of uncertainty. The organizations where you work, play, and worship experience uncertainty of membership, funding, and focus.
Teaching & LearningLead in Complexity
When we work in schools, we work to explain how complex systems work, and we engage in dialogue with people in the system to identify the patterns coherent with their shared identity, tasks, priorities, and practices. As a result of this deep dive into exploring their patterns, educators then identify options for action to generate and sustain the patterns they want to see.
Teaching & LearningPlan in Uncertainty
August 7, 2014 Glenda Eoyang engages attendees in a conversation about the future design of the HSDP training. What? are challenging patterns for trainers and learners in today's complex environment? So what? are possible design solutions for HSDP 2014? Now what? are the questions that will guide the 2015 design?
Teaching & LearningManage Strategic Change
Our strategic challenge is always to be transparent with ourselves and our customers. What service do we deliver to help people resolve issues? How do we prepare them to move forward? What is the benefit our clients see? Why do they choose to build long-term relationships with us?
Build Adaptive Capacity
Human systems dynamics (HSD) prepares you to thrive in an uncertain future. When you see, understand, and influence complex, wicked issues, nothing is intractable. Join us for a new opportunity we will offer, starting soon and extending through the spring/summer of 2019. Are you interested in becoming a certified HSD Professional, but you cannot commit to the face-to-face portion of the program? If so, we invite you to join us in an all-virtual Human Systems Dynamics (HSD) Professional Certification program.
Teaching & Learning
The other day I received an email about “exciting ways” for trainers to engage their learners. It was brightly colored with pictures of happy faces. As I glanced down the tips that were offered, I didn’t really see anything that was particularly new.
Teaching & LearningBuild Adaptive Capacity
The Learning Triangle, as a model, represents the interplay and interdependence of what you “know” and what you “do.” It describes the relationship between using theory to inform experience and action, and using what you learn from experience and action to inform theory. That relationship and how it plays itself out for a learner is the definition of praxis. As a method, the Learning Triangle provides insights that can inform your action as you create a more engaging and productive learning ecology for others to build their own praxis.