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Build Adaptive Capacity
What do falling in love, a summer thunderstorm, and an election have in common?
They are all turbulence in search of resolution.
What is turbulence, and why would Ramsey Clark call it an opportunity? The dynamics of complex adaptive systems can answer these questions and generate other questions to help you love the turbulence you are in.
In HSD we use three characteristics to describe and understand complex adaptive systems: They are open to influence from internal and external forces that may be known or not, predictable or not, and controllable or not. They are highly diverse. They are nonlinear, and what you know from the past and experience today can influence the patterns of your future or not.
Build Adaptive Capacity
HSD Associate, Leslie Patterson writes about responding to the complex challenges in life in the same way people deal with chronic illness. She sees this as a roadmap for building resilience at all scales. Her story in a powerful lesson in learning from life.
Build Adaptive Capacity
The HSD Vision is an aspirational description of future patterns where people use HSD to see, understand, and influence the world around them. Royce Holladay, HSD Institute Director of Services, explains who the “we” refers to in the vision statement. She describes how it takes each of us to set conditions for this pattern’s ultimate manifestation in reality.
April 11, 2019
The rules of social action have changed in the chaos of current events. Opportunities for activism toward social change are more prevalent than ever. You can step into a role that influences the patterns of social norms and expectations. When you stand in inquiry, you see clearly how to connect with powerful others and take courageous action.
In today’s complex and quickly changing world, there is need and an opportunity for a new generation of activism. Global change is fanned by digital media, broad-ranging connections, and vast diversity. In such a world, activism depends on the ability to see, understand, and influence patterns of interaction and decision making. Individuals and groups that engage in iterative cycles of learning and action are best equipped to bring about changes they seek.
In this month’s Live Virtual Workshop, Glenda Eoyang talks about how HSD’s Adaptive Action, Pattern Logic, and inquiry can support you as you change your world.
Business & IndustryLead in Complexity
The Civil Rights Movement, it wasn't just a couple of, you know, superstars like Martin Luther King. It was thousands and thousands - millions, I should say - of people taking risks, becoming leaders in their community.
Barbara Ehrenreich