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Build Adaptive Capacity
Human systems seek coherence, a sweet spot where the parts work together to help the system find productive equilibrium and balance with its environment. We have created a self-assessment to explore seven characteristics that describe coherence in your system.
Build Adaptive Capacity
When do the words, “fractals” and “self-reflection” belong in the same sentence? In today’s blog post, Royce talks about using the idea of fractals to create opportunities for reflection and to explore coherence across different areas of her life. Read on to find out how. 
Collaborate to Create Community
Mark Twain reminds us that often the best answer to “What do I do when . . .?” really is “It depends!
Build Adaptive Capacity
In mathematics there is a group of patterns referred to as “attractors”. In complex systems, recognizable patterns of behavior can evolve over time, based on the system’s initial conditions. Mathematicians studied those patterns and identified unique sets of conditions that shape the different types of patterns. We use the insights of these mathematicians to inform our basic decisions and actions.
Collaborate to Create Community
The Decision Map is a representation of the factors and considerations that influence decisions. Whether you are trying to understand someone else's decisions or consider your own, the Decision Map provides meaningful insights to inform your perspective and action.
Collaborate to Create Community
Generative Engagement sets conditions for people to create mutual learning and transformation. It opens shared space so each person has what they need to participate in and contribute to the full functioning of a whole group. Every generative engagement is unique, because it emerges to fit patterns in the moment. We have found, though, that shared identity, a balance of power and influence, and shared voice are conditions that can usually shape patterns of Generative Engagement.
Patterns have certainly been shifting in the USA! We have stepped from American Carnage to science-based public health policies and borders equally open to people of all faiths. Or have we? We cannot forget that there was armed insurrection in our nation’s capitol and that nearly fifty percent of the American voters didn’t get the president they wanted.  Those patterns are less evident today, but they persist. Our challenge now is to engage with those who are willing and able to engage and to actively defend ourselves from the rest.