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Please use your personal and professional experience to complete the following sentence:
How do you know when you do a good job? Customers are satisfied. You complete on time. The cost is within budget. You meet stated requirements or specifications. You feel proud and satisfied. You get more work of the same kind or better from the same clients or their referrals.
Exploring emergent ideas with a colleague today, I asked for feedback about my perspective. She thought a moment and then said, “It’s not for me to tell you an answer, but I can tell you what I see and what that means to me. Then we can figure out what our next question will be.”
“Agile” is the new buzzword for future success.  Agile teams will innovate.  Agile companies will survive when others fail. Agile individuals will get hired and move up the ladder.
Plan in Uncertainty
These last 10 days, I have been struggling with a decision: Should I accept a job offer in Vietnam to teach at a university in Saigon, with good benefits, decent pay, and some relocation support? Or should I remain on the entrepreneurial path and trust to create the work that is emerging for me (partially based on my PhD research-in-progress) on embodiment and change processes, even though the pathway from "here" to revenue appears tentative at this moment?
Teaching & LearningBuild Adaptive Capacity
In a recent post on GOOD, Andrea Lo, founder and CEO of Piggybackr, talked about preparing today's youth to face the uncertainty of the world as they enter the workforce. She described a world where not only is it likely that there will be fewer jobs, but many of the jobs that will exist haven't even been conceived of yet. It was an interesting article, and she pointed to a number of organizations that are committed to helping students build skills to create the work of the next generation. And that is a GOOD thing. 
The silence is not deafening, but it is pretty hard to hear. The Ethics Survey we hosted this week got only 7% of the responses we received to the Leadership Survey last week. I have some ideas about why that is true, so I’d like to talk about the silence as well as the signal.