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Wendy Gudalewicz is Superintendent of the Cupertino Union School District in Cupertino, CA, and uses Adaptive Action in her day-to-day work, as well as in her strategic action to shape patterns across her system. She was a contributing storyteller for Adaptive Action: Leveraging Uncertainty in Your Organization, and shares another story here about how she looks for and shapes patterns as a school district leader. For more about her district, check out the Cupertino Union School District website.
Manage Strategic Change
Consulting is a many-faceted job, particularly in the complexities of today’s organizational landscape. For good consultants, every call brings a new, unique challenge. Each organization has its own assets and barriers. When every situation is so unique, where can you start?
Build Adaptive Capacity
Facilitation has outgrown its traditional image. It’s no longer about an individual at the front of the room guiding a group of people through processes. It’s no longer just about decision making, conflict resolution, or team building. Many factors in today’s world have brought a new look to the role of facilitation.
Health CareManage Strategic Change
“Nothing so conclusively proves a man’s ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself.”
—Thomas J Watson
The “attractor” is not the thing that “attracts”. It is the pattern of relationships that emerge over time in a complex system.
When I first encountered attractors—strange and other kinds—I thought they were cool. Even more than that, I thought they were the key to the next generation of change paradigms. I still think that may be true, but I seldom talk about them anymore. I almost never teach them because it is so hard to understand them well and very easy to understand them badly. The only reason I am talking about them now is that I cannot think of a better way to explain what I see in this emerging present. So, here goes.
The Power of Questions, also known as Inquiry IS the Answer, is a process of deep inquiry for individuals and groups to find next wise actions to tame wicked issues. The protocol for the process is simple, but each experience of it is unique and insightful. The method includes three steps.
Build Adaptive Capacity
In 1925, Mahatma Gandhi described a set of patterns that he believed would destroy us as a society. Those “7 Sins,” as they have come to be called, hold true today. How can we use HSD to help us see, understand, and influence patterns of health and sustainability as we move through the current crisis and work together to shape whatever comes next?