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Manage Strategic Change
Consulting is a many-faceted job, particularly in the complexities of today’s organizational landscape. For good consultants, every call brings a new, unique challenge. Each organization has its own assets and barriers. When every situation is so unique, where can you start?
Teaching & LearningBuild Adaptive Capacity
Two HSD Professional Certification programs are kicking off in August! Why should YOU join? What will YOU learn? What answers do YOU seek? This week, Glenda Eoyang’s blog post helps YOU explore some of those questions.
Build Adaptive Capacity
At the HSD Community Commons meeting last week, Glenda talked about future changes to the HSD network around the world. We see the community evolving beyond the bounds of the Institute to reflect the generative actions of many people in many places working toward a shared vision. Pattern Logic, the HSD Vision, and the HSD Simple Rules will set the conditions for patterns that emerge across the field.
Build Adaptive Capacity
In HSD we understand that an individual—or group—narrative shapes the patterns of choices, actions, and decisions of the holder of that narrative. For example, the HSD vision is a statement of the narrative that guides our work today and as we move into an uncertain future. When we make decisions about our work, we use that vision to inform our thinking.
In today’s blog, Royce shares a brief memoir she recently wrote, along with a poem that was inspired as she reflected on that story this week, on Memorial Day here in the USA.
The “attractor” is not the thing that “attracts”. It is the pattern of relationships that emerge over time in a complex system.
When I first encountered attractors—strange and other kinds—I thought they were cool. Even more than that, I thought they were the key to the next generation of change paradigms. I still think that may be true, but I seldom talk about them anymore. I almost never teach them because it is so hard to understand them well and very easy to understand them badly. The only reason I am talking about them now is that I cannot think of a better way to explain what I see in this emerging present. So, here goes.