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We have three retired racing greyhounds. Fionn is now the senior dog in the pack, having survived three years with our first grey, Zoe, and now enjoying some respect as the top dog. Zoe ruled with an iron paw, keeping Fionn from the food and comfy furniture even when she herself wasn’t interested. We were sure she did differential equations in her head while she waited for us to do her bidding.
Thanks to all who responded to our first Adaptive Action inquiry. Fifteen people shared their views of WHAT leadership looks like. As you might expect from a diverse Twitter-connected crowd, the responses were interesting and varied. One person summed up the findings nicely, “Leadership in a CAS [complex adaptive system see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_adaptive_system and wiki.hsdinstitute.org/complex_adaptive_system] context is framed very differently than the traditional top-down models of leadership.” In the midst of the diverse responses, two themes emerged.
GovernmentCollaborate to Create Community
Democracy, even in the best of times, is a wicked Issue. It has multiple causes, but no root cause. It affects every level of experience, from individual to national concerns. It can be “fixed,” but no fix is permanent. Like other wicked issues, we can influence democracy, but we cannot “solve” it.
Build Adaptive Capacity
You have questions about living in a world of COVID—and there are no real answers. HSD offers questions to explore the unknowns that challenge us.
Manage Strategic Change
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. Soren Kierkegaard
Business & IndustryLead in Complexity
With the economy in turmoil and no creditable analysis on where we go from here, a drastic shift might be right around the corner.  One might ask is this current economic dilemma based on lack of jobs, uncontrolled debts, or on goods and services being provided within global competitiveness.  Regardless of these or any other reasoning’s, there is a historic shift happening within the world economy that is affecting all of us from first to third world countries.
Business & IndustryPlan in Uncertainty
The shortest distance between two points is under construction. - Leo Aikman