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21 Results
Business & IndustryBuild Adaptive Capacity
We have all been in meetings that were poorly facilitated, right? In these meetings we see too many distractions, too little coherence in the conversation, too much information, not enough information. They drag down our energy and waste our time. At the same time, some of us are lucky enough to have been in meetings that were led by powerfully skilled and intuitive facilitators. What makes the difference?
Business & IndustryCollaborate to Create Community
Ten years ago, the business world couldnt stop talking about teams. (Remember all those slightly cheesy posters that showed rowers rowing in perfect sync or maybe just close-ups of interlocked hands?)
Build Adaptive Capacity
Scholars and practitioners around the world use the word complex when they talk about things they cannot control or understand. At one level, this can be useful, but it can also be confusing.
Manage Strategic Change
Most change consulting plans for single process of transition. Some look at change over a period of time, but few of them account for the kind of complex change that emerges in a dynamical system.