Authoritarianism: Patterns of Politics

February 7, 2019

Today, all over the world, you see rising patterns of partisanship and nationalism. Even if they don’t affect you today, these trends may transform your future. HSD helps you see and respond to patterns of politics in novel and useful ways. Our models and methods generate patterns of engagement and abundance to help you connect and thrive in spite of forces that seek to divide and conquer.

Historically, humans have experienced periods when authoritarian power was on the rise, marginalizing or even eliminating opposing or dissident voices. One way these leaders influenced others was to create a sense of tension. Autocrats use stories and innuendo to make their followers believe there are “others” plotting to take away their assets, their power, or their privilege. These leaders build walls—literally and figuratively—that divide, so they can conquer. They use propaganda to spread a narrative of impending doom and fear.

In this Live Virtual Workshop, Glenda Eoyang talks about using Adaptive Action to help you step into your next wise action in the face of the propaganda of authoritarianism in your neighborhood, around your community, and across your nation.