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Lead in Complexity
In the uncertainty we face every day, we often don’t need new answers from leaders. What we really need are questions that help us deal with local challenges. In this blog, Glenda talks about why using good questions and standing in Inquiry are the most urgent of leadership capacities in today’s turbulent and uncertain future.
September 16, 2021 Members of the HSD Community met and presented ways they use HSD in their homes, workplaces, and communities. This 90-minute event highlights and celebrates the patterns of diverse applications and deep innovation that members of the Community are creating in the world.
September 2, 2021 In the day-to-day challenges of life, we sometimes get caught up in the urgency of the moment, the fear of the future, and regrets of the past. We lose the connections between and among the parts of our life. Each piece begins to stand alone in its impact and challenge. In HSD we offer a path that allows you to celebrate your life’s experiences: Remain present to the daily demands and the larger realities that create the whole of your life Live in the now, with an eye to the future Remain aware of how today builds the life you want Watch this webinar to learn about games we all play that can hold us hostage to today or help us move through today’s challenges as we connect to our greater goals in life.
Build Adaptive Capacity
I’ve been listening to Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer https://bit.ly/2XpVbaA and thinking about ceremony. The book is about change, or maybe loss. It is about plants, or maybe children. It is about an overgrown pond with a future, an abandoned house with a heart, and water lilies that depend on community to survive in the dark. This already, and I’m not even half-way through the book. I can hardly wait to finish it, but I’ll contain my urgency and savor each minute. Why? Because all these themes seem extremely poignant today.
August 5, 2021 In today’s world of social media, television, and radio that bring you local and world-wide connection, how do you make sense of it all? You hear conflicting stories about issues and ideas that are important to you, but you can’t make sense of the differences they share. People talk about alternative facts and fake news, mainstream media and independent sources for information, and the intrusion of botz and hacks. In the midst of all this how do you make sense of the cacophony? What is true and of use to you? How do you understand different sources and their value to you? How do you honor what makes no sense to you but is important to others? Join us as we explore these questions. Learn and practice with tools that can help you sort out your perspectives and questions to find what is both true and useful to you.
Manage Strategic Change
Merriam-Webster defines culture as, “the set of values, conventions, or social practices associated with a particular field, activity, or societal characteristic.” Culture and culture change have been central to leadership practice in the past decade. It is no less important, but it is much more difficult, to manage, in this age of Zoom “rooms” and Teams “chats.” 
Build Adaptive Capacity
In human systems dynamics (HSD), we define narrative as the essential message that sets forth patterns of discourse, decision making, and action for individuals, families, communities, organizations, and institutions. A clear narrative informs action to help create a path through uncertain and turbulent times. Read how the HSD narrative helped us navigate the challenges of lockdown and re-emergence in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic.