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Business & IndustryBuild Adaptive Capacity
Working in conflict resolution, I get to hear a lot of stories about why some individual or group is worthy of being hated. Without a doubt, these stories are often bolstered by pulse-raising examples with the potential to provoke even the most skilled facilitative mediators into an evaluative stance. At the same time, beyond these stories lay patterns, many of which shed light on the dynamics of why we hate. In my observations, there are three main reasons we hate others.
Business & IndustryLead in Complexity
I have been thinking about power recently. Of course, it has risks and benefits. The risks are not always experienced by the powerless, and the benefits are not always reserved for the powerful. I am quite happy when my physician exercises the power of her position and expertise to write a prescription for my sore throat. I am glad to have a young friend with the power to manage my technology. In these cases, I am happy to give my power to another. In other situations, though, I guard my power jealously and will not release it without a fight.
October 5, 2017 How can two things be true at one time? And when they are, how do you make meaning in ways that can inform useful choices? We live in a time of paradox: Global change relies on local action. People live longer today, even as doctors talk about a global epidemic of common diseases. Social media puts us in touch 24/7, yet people express feelings of disconnection and isolation. In HSD, we recognize that irreconcilable differences often emerge from the same pattern, and we use Adaptive Action and Pattern logic to navigate those differences. Standing in inquiry, exploring paradoxes in our world, we build Adaptive Capacity and resilience in the face of the complexity that threatens to overwhelm us.
Teaching & LearningBuild Adaptive Capacity
There are many kinds of tension that play out inside any human system. In this blog post, Royce uses the HSD-based definition of tension to 1) identify four particular types of tension; 2) describe their sources and potential impacts; and 3) suggest ways leaders can use Pattern Logic and Adaptive Action to leverage tension for the greater good.
September 21, 2017 Join us to hear HSD Professionals share their HSD stories about how they use HSD principles, models, and methods to change their worlds every day. This week's presenters include: Mary Nations and Jennifer Jones-Patulli "Resilience and Conflict" Lecia Grossman and Griff Griffiths "Organizing Regional HSD Learning Groups" Glenda Eoyang "Institute/field update and Adaptive Action Labs"
Business & IndustryBuild Adaptive Capacity
Change is always present, so building resilience is crucial. Stagnation is death, change is necessary for life. So then, too, developing resilience is necessary for life.
September 7, 2017 How do you make decisions when your world is changing with the speed of social media, and you are inundated with a world of answers, choices, and other people’s opinions? What do you do when all the “off the shelf” answers are ok, but none of them is really what you are looking for? Do you settle for “just ok?” Do you go ahead and purchase the product and then spend untold resources making it fit your needs? In HSD we help you use Adaptive Action to design responses and interventions that fit the unique nature of your work and your business. We give you what it takes to look at challenges, weigh the options, based on what you see, and take action to move forward. Then you look around to see where that got you and to take the next step. We continue working, looking for what is true in our world and still useful to us, using that to continue to inform and fuel our work. Join us in this LVW to learn to Design When You Can’t Decide.