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In a Landmark Forum course many years ago, I first heard a reference to ever-and-always-voice. I recognized it immediately as the single, greatest cause of sticky issues. Even if you haven’t heard the phrase, I’m sure you will recognize the phenomenon. It works like this.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Usually I groan when yet another sports analogy is used to explain an insight about complex human systems. Don’t get me wrong. I love sports and spent the better part of my teenage years in a gym playing basketball. My dad was a football coach, and I love the game.
Simple Rules are agreements that inform behavior, so a diverse group can function as one. They set conditions that shape the emergent patterns as a group self-organizes. The rules may emerge from covert or overt agreements among the players, and they inform decisions and actions to create coherence across the whole.
December 17, 2015 Glenda Eoyang talks about Adaptive Action inside the Institute. Stewart Mennin and Mary Nations update the Network on the outcomes of their HSD-based leadership program for health systems. Heather Oxman shares her HSD story: HSD social media future.
Manage Strategic Change
The problem is that we expect certainty and get surprise. Accountability, responsibility, performance, reliability, trust, quality—all these basic concepts of business require the insight to predict and the power to control.
Build Adaptive Capacity
December 3, 2015 Glenda Eoyang talks about aging and how we move through the aging process in a complex adaptive system. She describes the steps of iterative cycles of Adaptive Action: What? generates energy in the patterns of a complex adaptive system? So what? are those patterns in personal experience of physical, emotional, mental, social change? Now what? can we do to use this information to age gracefully?
Build Adaptive Capacity
There is a great deal of noise in the popular culture today about your “bucket list.” It seems everyone should have a magical list of things they want to do, people they want to see, and places they want to go before they are too old or too infirm to follow those dreams. I would like to propose a new tool.