Strategy and Adaptive Action: Set Conditions for Innovation and Productivity

May 2, 2019

In today’s fast changing, and unpredictable world, you find that traditional strategic plans don’t prepare you for the reality you face. When you can’t plan strategically, you still need a strategy that is robust enough to inform innovative action as challenges and opportunities emerge. HSD offers Adaptive Action in the context of the far-horizon goals to help you to create the best action today.

Landscapes of businesses and communities in the 21st century are quick to change, and they are complex. It’s no longer enough to develop and live by a Strategic Plan designed to conquer today’s image of what the world will look like in three or five years. In today’s landscape,  you have to see the changes around you and respond with innovative ideas that are fit for purpose in your world.

In this Live Virtual Workshop, Glenda Eoyang describes long-term strategy that uses inquiry and Pattern Logic. Then she shows you how to use iterative cycles of Adaptive Action across your system. It’s a strategy that helps you make your day-to-day, operational work contribute to action strategic against your most intractable challenges.