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Business & IndustryLead in Complexity
Computer simulation models are great tools to see patterns and possibilities in complex systems. Current modeling approaches fall short of reality, because they make assumptions that limit the uncertainty that is the hallmark of human systems at all scales.
Manage Strategic Change
This brief paper describes the basic principles of CDE and demonstrates in examples how they inform meaning making and action.
Teaching & LearningManage Strategic Change
The HSD theory of change is based on the accumulation and release of tension in complex systems. Tension is held in the conditions (container, difference, exchange) that shape the systems patterns.
Glenda Eoyang received her doctorate in human systems dynamics from The Union Institute and University in 2001. Her research explored questions about the conditions that made some human systems organize quickly and as expected, while others took a long time to end up in unpleasant or unproductive patterns.
Same and different is a way to identify patterns in what may seem to be random activity. In our book, Adaptive Action, Leveraging Uncertainty in Your Organization , we define patterns as similarities, differences, and connections that have meaning across space and time. When you begin to identify those things that are similar and different in your sticky issue, you begin to name the patterns you see.
HSD draws from a range of disciplines and methodologies that explore nonlinear dynamics in the physical and social sciences. This article explores the diverse roots of the work and connects the threads of HSD theory and practice with its history and intellectual sources.
This book offers a clear and thoughtful process for reflection, self-exploration and planning, to bring you toward a new level of personal insight and growth. It's a radical approach that enables you to use HSD Models & Methods to consider your life right now and your future potential.