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Plan in Uncertainty
Understanding a complex system is never enough. The reason you want to understand is to find your next wise action. Explore your options with Glenda Eoyang.
Build Adaptive Capacity
To see patterns in the world around you is to know your world and to understand something about that world. You make sense of the world by recognizing the patterns around you.
Collaborate to Create Community
October 2, 2014
Glenda Eoyang offers a new approach to organizing to accomplish the diverse work of today's landscape. What? Reflect on the shifting patterns of work 1980s to today and why Coordinated Adaptive Action Networks (CAANs) are a powerful solution. So what? Explore five Coordinated Adaptive Action Networks. Now what? Plan for what your CAAN can do.
March 19, 2015
Glenda Eoyang talks about using HSD to create the future today. Ian Creery talks about using Simple Rules to navigate a changing landscape. Mary Nations and Stewart Mennin discuss using HSD in a series of Leadership Training webinars. Leslie talks about patterns of instruction in public school classrooms. (This event was recorded as a Quarterly Associates Meeting.)
Business & IndustryBuild Adaptive Capacity
March 5, 2015
Glenda Eoyang explores What? is the difference between innovation and replication? So what? choices do you have in complex systems? Now what? will help you make choices and take action that is fit for function?
Build Adaptive Capacity
In a complex human system, you can’t be certain of “top-down” control; you may not be able to predict of the future. Your every interaction shapes emergent patterns of behavior and decision making. The world you know is open to known and unknown forces that influence from inside and outside your system’s immediate boundaries.