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Collaborate to Create Community
February, 5, 2015 What fundamental assumptions sustain conflict? What alternatives can HSD offer for seeing conflict in new ways? How can it help us imagine opportunities for peace? What would it mean to take effective Adaptive Action to shift patterns toward health and wellbeing for people, families, and communities? Join this inquiry and move toward your own Adaptive Action for peace and justice.
In HSD we use three characteristics to describe and understand complex adaptive systems: They are open to influence from internal and external forces that may be known or not, predictable or not, and controllable or not. They are highly diverse. They are nonlinear, and what you know from the past and experience today can influence the patterns of your future or not.
A linguistic landscape can be found on any school campus – it is essentially the way in which language – both written and verbal – is used to covey the beliefs and foundations of an organization. As a fall semester student teacher at Lawson Middle School in Cupertino, Ca, I had the privilege of experiencing and discovering exactly what Lawson values: the whole child.
Plan in Uncertainty
Planning is a challenge even in the best of times. But it is a necessary challenge.  A plan helps you align imagination with resources, expectations with realities, and individual concerns with collective good.
Plan in Uncertainty
Recently I worked with a group of middle managers charged with the task of leading a system-wide change initiative. Their considerations included programmatic, organizational, and service delivery changes. At the same time, they were shifting from a program-determined silo structure to one that required collaborative planning across all programs.
December 18, 2014 Glenda Eoyang celebrates where we have been in 2014. Stewart Mennin, Janice Ryan, and Mary Nations share their HSD stories. (This event was recorded as an Annual Virtual Open House.)
How do you know when you do a good job? Customers are satisfied. You complete on time. The cost is within budget. You meet stated requirements or specifications. You feel proud and satisfied. You get more work of the same kind or better from the same clients or their referrals.