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Collaborate to Create Community
How can I/we be adept in a volatile/uncertain/complex/ambiguous world?
Collaborate to Create Community
Mary's blog post about generative engagement is a great starting place for this reflection about conflict at all levels of an organization or community. This week's survey invited responses to three items: 1. Describe an intractable conflict - local, national, or global. 2. What keeps the conflict going? 3. What can you do/do you do to help those around you deal with the inevitable conflicts that arise when people live, work, or play together?
Collaborate to Create Community
One section in the Adaptive Action book looks at the development of a model Royce and I created to help us make sense of and how to work well with diversity in groups, organizations and society in general. Why is diversity important? Well, diversity is at the core of how nature finds solutions.
Plan in Uncertainty
Uncertainty does not have to paralyze you. Use Adaptive Action to build a path as you walk it.
Collaborate to Create Community
The Adaptive Action Survey this week asked respondents to consider the current scenario in US politics, as Congress struggles with policies and decisions--fiscal and otherwise--that seem stuck along partisan lines. As we look at evidence that our Congress is stuck, we asked three questions: 1. What do you believe is the reason the US political system is “stuck” and unable to move toward effective decision making? 2. What would you name as the largest barrier to Congress’s ability to make a decision about the looming fiscal issues? 3. What one piece of advice would you give members of Congress this week to get them unstuck?
In the book, Adaptive Action: Leveraging Uncertainty in Your Organization, “sticky issues” serve as an appropriate metaphor for places where we are stuck - for the persistent patterns of behavior that stick around, and for the slowing down of actions that can help move a “project” forward.