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Thanks to all who responded to our first Adaptive Action inquiry. Fifteen people shared their views of WHAT leadership looks like. As you might expect from a diverse Twitter-connected crowd, the responses were interesting and varied. One person summed up the findings nicely, “Leadership in a CAS [complex adaptive system see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_adaptive_system and wiki.hsdinstitute.org/complex_adaptive_system] context is framed very differently than the traditional top-down models of leadership.” In the midst of the diverse responses, two themes emerged.
Lead in Complexity
Adaptive Action supports the work of individuals and teams, but it also informs strategic action for business, industry, and government.  Brenda Fake leads a team of HSD Associates who provide organizational services through Human Systems Dynamics Consulting.  She likes to say that her favorite clients are the “desperate ones.” Adaptive Action opens options for action when nothing else seems to work. 
I've been a fan of  xkcd.com, “a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language", for several years, but this  blog post celebrating the brilliant infographics often featured on the  xkcd.com site grabbed my attention in a new way: When done well these informational graphics use charts, diagrams and illustrations to make complex ideas easier to comprehend. At their best the results can be quite illuminating.
Business & IndustryLead in Complexity
What are the goods or services your organization provides to its customers? How are these products provided in a consistent manner leading to quality results? What is quality?
Teaching & LearningManage Strategic Change
We believe that using principles of HSD to engage in Adaptive Action strengthens adaptive capacity of systems. In our experience, at the individual level, people who use Adaptive Action are better prepared to understand their challenges and adapt in an uncertain and emergent world. At greater scales, groups, teams, and organizations work together more effectively as they interact with each other and their environments by engaging in ongoing and multiple cycles of Adaptive Action.
Wendy Gudalewicz is Superintendent of the Cupertino Union School District in Cupertino, CA, and uses Adaptive Action in her day-to-day work, as well as in her strategic action to shape patterns across her system. She was a contributing storyteller for Adaptive Action: Leveraging Uncertainty in Your Organization, and shares another story here about how she looks for and shapes patterns as a school district leader. For more about her district, check out the Cupertino Union School District website.
Manage Strategic Change
Our Sticky Issue #1 comes from a change leader in a large urban county.  To save space and encourage collaboration, the county literally "took down the walls."  Now, 150 social services staff work in a large, open space.